These procedures assume you have already acquired an account on an SDSC workstation from the Operations Department.
2. Make a new directory in your home directory named public_html (lowercase).
Then set the permissions of the directory to world readable with the following command.
You can turn off group and world read access on your directory while still allowing the daemon to serve your files by maintaining group and world execute permissions with the following command.
3. Copy/move your HTML files to the newly created public_html directory. If you have questions about how to move your data to SDSC, please send a message to
4. Make sure the web server can read your files by setting their permissions to world readable with the following command. Make sure your default home page has the filename index.html.
As soon as you complete these steps, your home page should serve at<username>/ where <username> gets replaced by your user login name.
5. [Optionally] Turn on CGI handling.
To enable CGI execution via the Apache service, create a file in your public_html directory called .htaccess and insert the following two lines.
Options ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
6. The service can optionally redirect requests of the from<username>/ to<username>/. If you would like to take advantage of this, notify the that you have setup your home page and would like this service.
7. To add your link to the external SDSC contacts list, send a message to with your URL. To add your link to the internal SDSC contacts list, send David Hart a one paragraph bio/synopsis and an image of your mug.